Friday, December 3, 2010

Pleurodiaphramatic Tentings

Taste the nineteenth! Good Reads for

To fight against the cold, I suggest you enjoy the elegant prose of the nineteenth century very most European of American writers, Henry James.

' The Europeans "by Henry James (1878 -178 pages)
Minimum level required: B1 + / B2
(to determine your level of reading, see pages of June 09 of this blog)

This short novel is to taste like a cupcake ! The first 3 pages are indigestible (long descriptions in English complicated - too much sugar kills sugar ;-)) but the result is close to a fireworks delicious conversations between a young English aristocrat, his brother and no less sparkling their American cousins. As Henry James himself would notice (he left the United States and settled in the beautiful and so Français village of Rye, in southern England, before being naturalized subject of his very Gracious Majesty) the Old Europe of the day is finally more modern than the New World, entangled in its strict Puritan morality. The novel reads easily, and you'll the satisfaction of having mastered a great writer known for the beauty of his prose, and this in its original version.

In appetizers, try the following line, they open his masterpiece 'The Portrait of a Lady':

' Under certain Circumstances, There are few "hours in life more agreeable Than The Hour Dedicated To The ceremony Known as afternoon tea. '

enjoyed without moderation!


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