Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sample Wedding Welcome Mesage

Saturday is Dursin Paty!

Saturday, March 5 we suggest you join us at Kortrijk for the biggest night of salsa in the region (in the literal sense, nearly 450 dancers meet there every first Saturday of the month !). Admittedly, it's a little far from Arras, but it's worth the trip! We will be there to 22h ... on Saturday?

Dance Center 101 St. Denijsestraat
Kortrijk, Belgium

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Switching From Diane Pills To Minulet Pills

Watch out: GOOD BOOK ahead! Let

I just finished the latest novel by Jonathan Coe and I can already say that it will join my top list last ten years!

'The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim ' by Jonathan Coe (2010 -339 pages)
Minimum level required: B2
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)

This is a novel ' Français to the Bone': it rains, the narrator is at wit's end, it connects minimum and maximum setbacks, but it s 'attaches only because it is good English' Stiff Upper Lip 'what happens to him.
Maxwell Sim is also terribly 2010: a smartphone in your pocket, a laptop allowing it to connect to Facebook (and 70 friends!) From any hotel room, he toured Great Britain aboard a hybrid car with a GPS to the sweet voice that helps him find his way from London to Edinburgh ...
For it is a modern figure - understand reality: very very alone - as we follow along these 339 pages. We apostrophe, question us, but we can offer him a Helping Hand .

Jonathan Coe, faithful to the prose that could appreciate tapered in his earlier books, written by a truly remarkable novel, and until the very last line (which would like me to leave you speechless).

Not recommended for readers too young - and adults too depressed to readers!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cubefield Small Medium And Small

salsa lessons

Find us:
  • every Thursday at SSC Wattrelos from 20h to 21h (entry level)
  • every Saturday at the dance school in Arras John Heyman, from 16h30 to 18h
  • Sunday on a two Neuville Ferrain , Christmas Lietear stage, from 17h to 18h30.
Warning! No lessons during the holidays!
resume classes the week of school year (March 6 at Neuville, 10 March to Wattrelos, March 12 at Arras)

Malilyn sakova

Duties vacation ... Best wishes

Many of you ask the name of passes you learn in training ... In your notebook, here are the first level:
  • casino
  • Enchufla
  • dile que no
  • enchufla doble
  • vacilala
  • setenta
  • sombrero sombrero doble
  • exibela
  • Sacala

Pregnant But No Frequent Urination

Vasari 1.1

A new version of Vasari is available.

Vasari focuses on the design and parametric modeling (geometries) of the "masses" of the building. Vasari makes energy analysis and carbon to integrate from the beginning of the design concepts of "Green Building". Once the intentions verified and implemented, Revit Architecture and BIM can take over. Vasari is based on the Revit platform technology (the same principles, same file formats ....). With
Vasari, you only realize the conceptual modeling, thus addressing designers / designers to shape their formal intentions. (This tool is included in Revit: Volumes conceptual part without energy analysis)

In this new menu TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW 1.1.
metric template - text notes
protecting shared files - export to STL for 3D printing
- Ecotect
Wind Rose - recognition of physical phenomena as Nucleus

Vasari is available on Autodesk Labs :
This application will be functional until May 15, 2011.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Make L Shaped Sofa In Sims 3

RFA - Revit FAmily

To start a family component, you need to know what you want to do! It's stupid to say! Your ideas
determine how to approach the creation of the family.

1 - Making a sketch, collect the material on the item (photos, DWG, technical documentation ...)

To better understand the achievement of an item, nothing can replace a good drawing hand! Also, it is good to sketch (more) situational element.

Sketches should show the building geometric element and the future parameters. This exercise
sketches become more fluid after having made several Revit families.

Etudes_croquis Etudes détails

2 - Asking the right questions:

- What are the dimensions may vary? Revit is a parametric software. This term hides including the ability to manage different length values on the same geometry. Must manage a catalog of types? ; Either the item is fixed element requires the axes of rotation?

- How element should appear in different views?
3D representation, seen in plan, section, elevation ... detail.

- What is the origin of the item? The choice of the insertion point of the element is important because it will determine how to use the item in the project. Once the family used in the project, it will be advisable to change the insertion point.

- element it requires a host?
standard component can be constrained to a host: wall, floor, ceiling, roof, front line, levels or free.
Choosing a host is irreversible and determines its mode of insertion into the project.

3 - What's this?

Obviously, the category of object is determined. If you're familiar with Revit, it is easy to determine as the family type. Families of standard components are made from templates. They are working environments whose contents vary depending on the selected category.

Below is a flowchart templates families in Revit Architecture 2011.

4 - The template family

all starts here by choosing the template. The above three points should guide you.

What is a template?
A template includes a family environment to create a family: there are a host (wall, floor, ceiling, roof, front line or two levels) or without host families freely insertable into the project. The template also has at least two planes of reference defining the insertion point of the element. Parameters can be preset. Then last parameter, the template determines the category of family member. Family type can be changed while the host is not interchangeable.

Depending on the choice of the template, you must categorize the element:
The following diagram shows the possible categories based on templates.

For everyday use, use the predefined templates.

Gabarits des familles

categories of families outside Revit Architecture 2011


Sanitary Equipment Specialized equipment mechanics

Electrical Installations Electrical Lighting

Cabinets Furniture

Generic Models
Characters * Plants *

Poles Poles
holders **
footings Site

Furniture Systems

Annotation generic
Cartridges Labels *
Labels Labels
detail elements of specialized equipment
Labels Window Labels
Labels Labels materials
Labels generic
Labels Labels
walls of notes Identification Labels
revision clouds
Labels panel curtain wall
Labels Parking Labels
Labels Labels Labels plants
Labels Labels bearing posts
Labels soles Labels
shooting site soil

Labels Labels Labels
soil volumes of surfaces of roofs

Labels Labels Labels
volume fixtures for stairways

Labels Labels for electrical fixtures

Labels Labels Labels
cabinets for furniture systems for mechanical equipment
Labels Labels for

Ends electrical grid line
Ends of lines Marks cutting
Markers Markers level details

Property line segments labels Reference to

Symbols Symbols connection
bracing in plan views
Symbols elevation
Titles for

management RPC format * **
specific template with two levels
* prefer templates cartridge

Thus, purely theoretical, it can be considered 20 categories of model (CAR) x 8 or 160 guests creation environments families! (Without taking into account the specific families templates)

must also consider the possibility of using the categories of other disciplines:


5 - Start a family

Menu of Application> New> Family .... choice of the template.
A template file has the extension RFT family ...

RFT Editeur

That's the second post on the topic of families. If you have comments, questions ... I'm all ears.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Walk Through Walls On Soulsilver

on vacation ...

... taking the train. But not the TGV fast too! Too modern!

I invite you to board the legendary Orient Express. We leave Istanbul for three days of travel throughout Europe and snow to London.

simply one of the passengers will never happen in life ...

' Murder on the Orient Express ' by Agatha Christie (1934 - 348 pages)
Minimum level required: B1 (+) - perfect for young readers
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)

This is a perfect book if you're afraid to get bored on holiday! And even if the murder is glaucous with desire, you will travel in good company: a Russian princess, a pretty governess, a British colonel, not to mention Mr. Poirot Himself. Taking tea is said of pleasantries, we sleep in first class compartments (like Audrey Tautou and the Beautiful Stranger in superb advertisement for Chanel No. 5!), Until this process is mythical stopped by a snowstorm in Yugoslavia ...
is very easy to read, because everything is reported as a dialogue (it could also be a play (*)) but also because as Hercule Poirot Belgium ( nobody's perfect! ), he speaks French very much.
As always at Agatha Christie, the characters are not what one believes, which is still a bit of spice in a long journey.

(*) The play 'The Mousetrap ' Written by Agatha Christie has a record of longevity: it is played continuously in London since 1952! I saw it three times, with different players, but the magic in every performance. It's the same kind of camera in 'Murder on the Orient Express': it snows, the characters find themselves stuck in one place and one of them has the bad taste to die murdered ...

Click the post title to go to the official website of the room.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Many Possible Combinations On An Iphone

# 01 - # 00

If a domain Revit that you really master it, then it is the families.

Families of standard components called external by their nature to be separate files of the project is one of the hotspots and thus the Revit project. Families (all together) are both a place to customize graphic design project. They are the support of BIM and are at the heart of the organization of your work.

Therefore, I decide to make a series of posts on the subject. The goal is to provide the foundations for their families and also the opportunity to reflect on the larger topic that modeling : Organization.

Before getting into the thick of things, we must understand where we are ...

You must understand the organization of elements in Revit: see this post

We're talking about families of standard components of models and annotations.

Before embarking on the creation of families, you must master a number of tools. These tools are present in the project environment:

- plans reference: help to structure the model (modeling). Plans Ref. can serve as a building plan.
Within the family, plans to play a major role Ref: they are the backbone of the parametric family.


- Construction plans : directly related to plans Ref. They serve as a blueprint for "drawing" the outline of fashion modeling.


- Ratings: they will make possible the length parameters of the parametric object, but also to withstand the stresses of equidistance and distance.


- constraints (alignment, distance and equidistance) : The constraints are the basic concepts of parametric length.




- views (navigation and direction) : basic functions of Revit, creating views. For families (model) just know Clignement d'œil make a cut, the tree will remain on simple to use as few views are conducted. The properties can be useful when creating a family.

- The object styles, line styles : Creating sub-categories creation of line style and management of graphic combined; particular the term "By Category" which means the artwork is handled by the class and not the object itself (type or instance)

- Materials : the basis of graphic fill patterns including drawing and model

- type parameters and occurrence : Understanding the difference between a parameter and a parameter type of occurrence, a parameter of type handles all occurrences associated (type) while a parameter instance manages the object itself.

- Modeling by solid and empty : Revit offers five basic tools for achieving the forms we would need. Modeling Revit uses the solid forms and empty. An empty form automatically cuts a full shape in the same category.


So much for first post on the topic of families. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or contact me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Combination To American Lock

Et .. what do you do for a living?

When you're a teacher, and in particular English teacher, it may be useful not immediately disclose its business to new knowledge. Whether it's friends of friends met at a party, your fellow diners at a restaurant or too perfumed lady sitting next to you in the TGV, it is more thorns of say point blank the terrible truth ... It is better to show first how you're a nice girl, open, well bred and very funny ;-)
Then, when the fish is hooked, uncheck the arrow:
'Me? Well, actually I am a teacher. " ( Gloop -audible in the speaker-nurse) . 'English teacher'.

GASP! And then one of two things: either you address an embarrassed smile that ends the conversation, or is the door open to a litany of almost invariable, which usually begins with:
'Oh dear; especially do not make me talk, because even after all these years of English, I could not say a word! "

Sounds familiar?
In France, many believe that as long as you're not bilingual, it is zero. I hope you not?

Just yesterday, the TGV, in fact, I read a book not bad at all true that I recommend to beginners false reading in VO:

' Walter's Leg and Other Short Stories 'by Ruth Rendell (159 pages - 2000)
Minimum level required: B1
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)

It Collection 'Read in English' Pocket Book which I have already spoken on this blog (see post from 14/06/2009). This collection is interesting because the author, Ruth Rendell, writer known for his thrillers London-based well-crafted plots and writing high quality, not exception to the rule here either. Four new very different in this book are, as always in this collection, the text (full, non-adapted) is on the left and the right page are the most difficult words explained by words or definitions transparent. It's very well done for those who want to start reading in English without getting discouraged. There are even some fifty pages at the end of volume summarize the words seen in a long alphabetical list.

What changes is that, for once, new deductions are recent. You can also enjoy the same if you do not like crime stories, but rather soft compared with sordid stories invented by Roald Dahl, for example.

So next time you encounter a (an) English teacher, you can say
'Oh, okay. You know what? I often read books in their original version. I love it. "
No need to mention The Right page ;-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sample Of Career Aspirations

Best wishes for the new year 2011 . We wish you health, happiness, prosperity and sharing ... values much salsa!
soon on the slopes! Cafe con leche

Monday, January 17, 2011

Quinine Dissolve In Dichloromethane

Cuban Salsa Course in Neuville

Stage of Cuban salsa this Sunday, January 23 of 17h to 18h30 stage at Christmas Lietear Neuville ferrain . Two levels: beginners and intermediate / advanced. Come and share moments of pleasure with cafe con leche.
date of next courses: February 6 and February 20 for a special course and rueda lady styling!

Difference Between Electric Tandoor And Oven

internship level Cuban salsa salsa granddébutant

Cuban Salsa Course organized by the association Roncq dance, with the participation of cafe con leche. Learn the basics of Cuban salsa in a warm warm this Saturday, January 22 from 15h to 17h at school Pablo Neruda Roncq.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Unblock Farmville Posts

'Cause This Is Thriller, thriller night ... "

in France in January is the month of the mo-ro-si-ty (I mean , even more than the rest of year, are we not known for being the largest consumers of anxiolytics in the world? ).

That's Why I propose to treat evil with evil with homeopathic treatment following: to put a small dose of anxiety in each of your time reading this month.
this end, I chose to recommend THE MOST ROMANTIC THRILLER of all times (not an oxymoron ;-).

' Rebecca ' by Daphne du Maurier (1938 - 380 pages )
Minimum level required: B2
(for determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)
We did not better! Indeed, dear Alfred (Hitchcock) turned in a perfect adaptation awarded the Oscar for Best Picture in 1940 (click on the title of this message for more information).
is the story of a very young woman (whom we will never know the name) who marries a good man, Maxim de Winter, a widower for a year. After a honeymoon in southern Europe, the narrator follows him to his home in Cornwall, to discover that his beautiful home, the mythical Manderley, guard in every corner (and in the thoughts of all those who still live there) the trace of the previous Mrs. de Winter, the incomparable Rebecca. Poor chick apparently
unable to fill the vacuum created by the absence of the deceased, the narrator takes us with her into a downward spiral of anguish subtly determined.

All those who have ever felt (s) badly dressed (s), poorly educated (s), unloved (s), easily identify with this heroine and anti- share their anxieties, firstly due to his illness awkwardness (in French in the text by Daphne du Maurier), but also the atmosphere of the house, always at the frontier of the Gothic ...

You will see that just being Relative January do you look more so tedious!

NB: Arm yourself with patience for the first 3 chapters are long and complicated. Agree not understand everything and re-read them when you have finished the novel.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Would A Laser Gun Sound Like

Happy New Year 2011!
