Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daktarin How Long To Use

Cam & co.

Sat Cam, you know? But if she is the new darling of the British tabloids ... This is Samantha Cameron, wife of David Cameron, the new Prime Minister of Her Majesty. Sat
Cam has quickly become a major asset to her husband, identified as a member of very The Es tablishment , namely, the son of an upper-class family, went through Eton and Oxford, near the financial community.
Click on the title this message for details on Sam Cam.

And Rachel Johnson, it tells you something (does it ring a bell?)? She is the sister of bubbling Boris Johnson, Mayor of London as eccentric as the British capital has ever seen. (Watch his video on youtube:

What is the relationship between these two women? The second has published a book (which is fast becoming a best seller) which describes the hectic life of women ... (Bankers, men of power, leading architects, heirs to a family fortune, etc..) That common to their huge incomes and their address: they live around a private square in Notting Hill ... renamed for the occasion in Notting HELL!
'Notting Hell' is a description of the cruel and disenchanted lives of the very rich (which David Cameron is one) before the financial crisis (one of the husbands worked for Goldman Sachs!).

' Notting Hell ' Rachel Johnson (2006 - 328 pages)
Minimum level required: B1 + / B2 (to determine your reading level , refer to June 9 pages of this blog)

The story is told by two friends, Mimi and Clare, each giving his version of events (per event include: 'Feast of the square', 'new neighbor ',' home decor ',' courtyard garden '.
Mimi and Clare share many things, including the obsession to keep the' yummy mummies '' yum 'being the English version of 'yum yum' ...

If you like the confessions of characters trapped in roles that society imposes on them to play, this book will please you. It is only worried about his yoga, Pilates and parties to organize, so watered they bring the protagonists to deceive the husband and wife with or / and the near ...
course, the children behave like bullies, excessively pampered by parents who use them as stooges ... Yummy??

Personally, I found the two narrators quite annoying, vain and not very smart! But there are good parts and the story is alive: it is written now, as the voice of Mary Alice says that what is happening under his eyes in Desperate Housewives .
There's also the portrait of a French wife, incredibly sexy thanks to his lifestyle (and love affairs , it helps to keep fit!) But mostly because of her accent when she speaks English. The transcripts of what it says are fun - it must have the same accent that Eric Cantona ;-)

To return to Sam Cam, she is a yummy mummy , moreover pregnant: British press , which is already widely read across the Channel, could not ask for more.
This book will help you better understand the reality of the new ruling class in United Kingdom, rather dismaying, if you ask me!


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