Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Ur Body

Trobibi - Labrute EPISODE 3

This is the third episode of Trobibi-Labrute, besides the novelty of the video "The brute force" ...

I wanted to take all the honor of the best video I have done until now. Many told me that my first was much better than the second, perhaps because of the scenes videos that I inserted and other background that would spoil the spirit "Brute".

My idea this time was "the traveling" I wanted to move the camera on a high resolution (retouched) and in order to see how a comic and heroic action at the parade as and when. Then, my second idea was "relief". I cut the images of each fighting under the video to extract actions and gross. Although I had trouble cutting, but I held my paris. And finally, I wanted to make a HD video format. Youtube bug especially at this level, but given the sound and visual is breathtaking.

My only question, is it better than my first video ...!!!?


Voiçi le troisième épisode de Trobibi-Labrute, sans compter l'inédit de la vidéo "Les Forces Brutales"...

Je voulais à tout pris faire l'honneur de la meilleure video I have done until now. Many told me that my first was much better than the second, perhaps because of the scenes videos that I inserted and other background that would spoil the spirit "Brute".

My concept this time was "Traveling," I wanted to move the camera on a high resolution (retouched) and in order to see how a comic and heroic action at the parade as and when. Then my second concept was the "relief". I cut out pictures of each fighting under the video to extract actions and gross. Although I had trouble cutting, but I made my bet. And finally, I wanted to make a video format HD. Youtube bug especially at this level, but the sound and visual record is breathtaking.

My only question, is it better than my first video ...!!!?


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