Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wife Wants Husband To Wear A Girdle

Advice for sleep

You do not suffer from any sleep disorder. But sometimes you feel tired,
sleepy ... Well, it happens to you trouble sleeping. Draw in these few tips:
you reconcile some of your pillow!

1-Take naps

• Ten minutes of sleep after the meal is the perfect nap. Maybe
even you is it possible to do this kind of nap at the office or at your
work ...
• A ten minute nap can retrieve a second wind and capacity

2-Feed you well

• Do not overeating at night: poor digestion can prevent you
• Similarly, you digest better if you do not sleep immediately after dinner.
Ideally, you should, before bed, wait two hours after the dinner ...
• Choose fresh vegetables, white bread, pasta, fish and vegetables, and all the
dairy products: they contain a substance which is manufactured from serotonin.
• But it is recommended to eat before bed, because sleep with empty stomachs
not sleep!

3-Avoid stimulants, especially late in the day
• Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea or cola. They contain caffeine that
is a stimulant to the nervous system. Similarly, vitamin C is to book the morning!
• Avoid alcohol at dinner: it is a stimulant that can keep you from falling asleep.

4-play sports ... but not too late
Physical exercise contributes to the overall balance (20 minutes of brisk walking is sufficient).
Avoid nevertheless play a sport at the end of the day, book it in the morning: the sport is
a stimulating activity that does not help you relax.

5-Know your pace Sleep
• Observe your sleeping pattern: What time did you want to sleep at night?
What time do you wake in the morning? Write this information over several days.
• It will help you keep your rhythm when you shift (due to a trip
with time zone change or late release, for example).
In normal times, observe regular sleep schedules.
• In all cases, Listen to your body: it is better to yield to an urge to sleep that
fight against.

6-Banish the noise and light
• It is important to sleep well, whether you're in the quiet and darkness.
Noise and light may prevent you from sleeping or wake you
at night ...
• Therefore, avoid strong light before bedtime: sift Based on your
• If you give a busy street or busy, perhaps he should consider installing
double windows? If your neighbors are particularly noisy, tell them tactfully that
little less noise would allow you to sleep better.

7-Enjoy a comfortable bed
• A bed is made to last 10-15 years. Or a good mattress and a good mattress are
guarantee a refreshing rest, without back pain. Do not hesitate to invest in a bed of
quality, preferring a firm mattress.
rueluocaltnodspardsed zessisiohc: elbatrofnoctilertovze ivuortsuoveuqtnatropm itsel I •
and texture you like, fluffy pillows ... Anyway, take care of decorating your
room and especially your bed

8-Find the right temperature
• Maintain a temperature of 18 to 20 ° C in your room. And aerate it every day.
• However, be sure to sleep with your feet warm and in good coverage.
body temperature drop during sleep

9-Drink tea
• A tea made from plants such as lime, verbena, chamomile and orange blossom little
help you fall asleep. (Note: in large quantities, lime becomes exciting!)
• But also
passionflower, valerian, hawthorn, hops, which are effective against
• A glass of milk will also have a sedative effect, soothing, which will help you find

Book 10-bed ... sleep
• Reserve your bedroom for sleep and avoid making a TV room or
office ...
• By contrast, make the bed a preserved your privacy torque: the sexual activities
wonderfully prelude to sleep.

11-Relax before bedtime
• Encourage all evening relaxing activities: reading, music, TV ... But beware:
Avoid watching TV in bed , choose a book.
• A warm bath before bed can help you relax and sleep.
But not too hot: otherwise, he will have the opposite effect by removing fatigue.
• Avoid working on the computer or playing video games just before bedtime:
they play an exciting
• Try not to rehash your concerns .

12-Feel secure
It is essential to feel safe to sleep well and many of us do
are not easily sleep for reasons of anxiety. The bedtime becomes
scary, insomnia watching.
To reassure you, you can set up a small ceremony before going to bed: Drink
herbal tea, read a few pages, ventilate the room, brushing teeth, put cream
night ...

13-If sleep does not come
• If you are unable to fall asleep, do not stay in bed.
• Get up, go into another room, start a relaxing activity (reading, watching
television, listening to music ...) until the sleepiness returns.

14-And in the morning ...
Take time to wake you up: stretch, yawn, get out of bed slowly with the objective
to do something that makes you fun (shower, breakfast ...).


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