premature ejaculation
An article from Marine Dietrich
sexologist and psychotherapist behaviorist, hypnotherapist, consultant to Perpignan
control can be learned for a better harmony in the couple's life
sexologist and psychotherapist behaviorist, hypnotherapist, consultant to Perpignan
control can be learned for a better harmony in the couple's life
We have this text and the whole of this method to our Navy colleague Ms. Dietrich (
its coordinates are all end of the article), sexologist & psychotherapist specializing in hypnosis,
former President and therapy centers Former Director Editions of La Louviere.
Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction;
by authors from 60 to 80% of men are affected to varying degrees. It is
not a disease in itself but rather a disorder of sex.
not a disease in itself but rather a disorder of sex.
Warning: Many men imagine that we can control, at least in early
learning, his ejaculation while continuing to make return trips .... it does nothing, ALL THE
men to control withdraw or stop the movement back and forth, it was only later that the control of sexual arousal will allow you to reach fluency.
Many people imagine they can do so like in the movies X
make return trips and not have to try to control. Control exists in all men, in the opening minutes, in some it requires even a small withdrawal from others, especially with the experience, testing is done without withdrawing. Women in need of at least 10 minutes for orgasm during intercourse, penetration should be at least 15 minutes.
If the term "premature ejaculation", fair, sometimes supersedes that of premature ejaculation, they
represent neither the one nor the other the reality of disorder . We should rather speak of no
control by man upon the occurrence of ejaculation preventing
his partner to reach orgasm. Ejaculation occurs when excitation threshold (point of no return) is
reached, the control should be at this level. It is therefore for him to not exceed this threshold, except
when he decided. This is not a problem of duration or ejaculation, but a problem of
control of arousal and adaptation to his partner.
The interrogation or questions to (be) ask?
Very importantly, it will focus on:
premature ejaculation is it primary or secondary ? search in this case the phenomenon
Is it selective or nonselective? control it is easier to masturbation or oral sex during
? during coitus?
Remember that gay people can also suffer from premature ejaculation.
• sociocultural phenomenon? Premature ejaculation can be treated as such. Indeed this
is not a disease. The sexual act is, in humans as in all mammals, an act referred to
breeding. The man is actually biologically programmed to ejaculate within 1 to 2 minutes, which is widely
enough to procreate! And for generations, and even in our time in
some cultures, speed is synonymous with virility. The emancipation of women occurred very recently
is actually the "responsible" for the emergence of this disorder, in effect as sexual pleasure
was an area reserved to men, premature ejaculation does not exist as such. The
sexual revolution has made the enjoyment has become as a matter of women. Man is therefore obliged to
change their sexual behavior to adapt to this new woman who has a claim of
sexual satisfaction. The inadequacy that may result has been characterized by what we call
premature ejaculation.
• neurotic phenomenon? Without a doubt: the awareness of this inability to adapt
to another ie to control in the timing of his ejaculation, will trigger
in much anxiety neurosis aggravating the disorder. We know indeed that pleasure
vaginal woman needs time (over 10 min). Failure to comply with an ideal sexual
the frustration expressed by the partner will trigger a series of reactions
source of anxiety (performance anxiety). This may often lead to an inhibition of sexual desire
that can cause impotence secondary type.
The vicious circle So: Premature ejaculation, failure, failure Conduct, Anxiety
Performance (anxieties increase the speed of ejaculation) therefore premature ejaculation
. Premature ejaculation, after many years may cause an
impotence, inhibition of sexual desire, marital discord, disharmony
sexual ...
As for the "vagina dentata", one should think, psychoanalysis explains premature ejaculation by fear
unconscious man to be castrated.
In cases of failure after the establishment of a rehabilitation of premature ejaculation, we find
a fear of the woman's vagina, latent homosexuality, a bottom
sadistic behavior, a marital discord. Many failures are due to sabotage of pipelines rehabilitation implemented by the woman behind the symptom of her "man" his
own problems which would be updated by healing the symptom of "the one who protects. "
• relational phenomenon? Dimension instinctual drives is that the individual in his
adolescence and young adulthood, she substrate for our genes that make us procreate, say
rather to copulate. It aims to instant gratification and resolution of sexual arousal. We
could say it is primary in the sense that it identifies us as mammals.
The relational dimension is one in which the notion of play is essential. The man plays with his
excitement to maintain a high level as long as possible to increase
intensity of its use. It requires all the creativity and imagination that are
exclusively human characteristics.
In summary: The resolution of premature ejaculation requires three conditions:
- learning to control arousal (behavioral approach),
- Eliminating performance anxiety and break the vicious circle (hypnosis)
- And finally attention to reactions of the other rather than hers
Dietrich Navy has established a system of care for premature ejaculatory
with more than 95% success in four sessions.
When a patient comes to visit alone or in couples, the examination is very important.
1 - Explain that premature ejaculation is normal, it affects over 70% of men,
of the fact of a biological program = premature ejaculation reflex therefore premature ejaculation
There is no cure, she rehabilitates from a program of deconditioning and
repackaging ...
2 - Explain which increases the speed of ejaculation: the anxiety (performance, virility, related
fantasies, linked to the demands of women ...), frequency (regardless of sex ), the
lack of lubrication, poor or inhibited sexuality, a couple neurotic, phimosis, the
dyspareunia with infections .....
3 - Clearly explain how it works and how it rehabilitates, give explanations and leaves
patterns, although their understanding what are the point of no return and feel
prescient, so the importance of rehabilitation.
same time explain that initially it rehabilitates a reflex and it's stupid
as a technique, rehabilitation does not appeal to the intellect (we put a chicken in a cage, light red is it a shock, the light is green
it has food, the chicken has very fast, so why not you!)
then explain that hypnosis as a second step will allow break the vicious circle and
will act on the anxieties and negative thoughts. Finally hypnosis and approaches
psychosomatothérapeutiques will help man to manage his sexual arousal.
4 - Make it clear what awaits premature ejaculation, he ejaculates quickly and then waits a bit and
begins to make love, but it will not last. Gradually become less frequent intercourse, the risk
is inhibition of sexual desire, impotence, marital conflict.
5 - Clearly explain your type of care
For example, in therapy center of Tours, Perpignan and Paris: Four sessions with either
contract or no contract (advantages and disadvantages). What is rehabilitation, why and how
man can succeed. How hypnosis is used, what it is, why so little
sessions we have so many good results.
There are several and they all try to act on one, two or all of the levels mentioned
previously. Even if they are not directly responsible, phimosis or shortness of
brake must be made. So check during the interview if there was no dyspareunia
that could explain more or less premature ejaculation.
• Medications:
They are not very effective alone and they can by no means solve the problem because
we have seen above, it is difficult to treat a disease is not one! Most
time we use some for their placebo effect in patients for whom the prescription
appears as a miracle cure!
Anxiolytics could a priori be justified by reducing the fear of failure, but they mitigate
the keenest sensations and this is probably not the intention.
Some antidepressant drugs will act by blocking ejaculation, extreme, risk
become impossible or rather lead to a dry ejaculation, because they affect the secretory phase
ejaculation. It should no longer be used.
Alpha-blockers (they block the passage of nerve impulses responsible: the reason of Sermion
Three tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening for 30 days) are interesting in theory and in fact they can gain a few seconds. Their use is justified if
ejaculation ante portas, which as its name suggests is made before the "door".
As for local anesthetic gels, they all go numb, even the partner, using a
this technique seems totally inadequate!
What we've seen in some sites or certain drugs that doctors prescribe
not knowing how to properly support premature ejaculation
Areas ejaculation reflexes are at the tip of the penis. Sexologists have proposed
of local anesthetics for reduced sensitivity.
A lidocaine, gel or spray, it can cause reactions for both local
partners or a subsensitivity of the partner which does not facilitate the arrival of orgasm.
intracavernosal self-injection to date dangerous and unjustified
They are sometimes used in this indication. The erection is maintained even after ejaculation and
allows prosecution of sexual and partner satisfaction.
DRUGS equally unnecessary and ineffective
anxiolytics or neuroleptics are used, with antidepressants, inhibitors of serotonin
seem to offer more therapeutic option (Seroxat ® in particular)
Only VIAGRA, intelligently and wisely prescribed as part of a therapeutic monitoring
type behavior with hypnotherapy and can break the cycle of failure and the conduct
allow a resumption of self-confidence
In conclusion, no drugs, they are not really necessary.
For rehabilitation of premature ejaculation
Psychological treatments
They use most often and cognitive behavioral techniques that aim to
change behavior without addressing the causes. These techniques aim to modify
mental representations and beliefs that we have long believed that premature ejaculation
was a matter of time, then it is a problem of intensity excitation. The amendment
beliefs is itself a source of changes in attitudes and behavior. The technique uses the classical technique Behaviour of squeeze invented by Seeman and
recovery by Masters and Johnson: it is to ask the partner to tighten the base of the glans
a signal man. This method is effective if the signal man is made
early enough, that is to say before we feel the risk to ejaculate. In fact, most is not the
tightening its signal, for which said signal called Landmark: human stresses (mark) and the level of excitement
reached. He calibrates his excitement. The tightness was intended than reinsurance. It
understands that if the signal is carried out too late, when the man feels he may ejaculate, this
tightness will compress the urethra, preventing semen temporarily evacuated, the relaxation ,
it will sink without pressure. Then we move on Stop and Go Kaplan: it is to vary and even
to stop the movement by his excitement. We asked the man to focus on its
sensations when he sees the signs of the onset of ejaculation, he makes a
sign to his partner to stop any movement: the "Stop". His excitement had diminished, he
signal once again to resume his partner stimulation: is the "Go". This is one of
simplest methods and more efficient, but requires great concentration.
The cognitive aspect of therapy is crucial: indeed, the mere fact of knowing that the check is conducted on
excitement and not ejaculation is therapeutic in itself.
If that fails, we must identify and evaluate a neurotic etiology, analytic treatment will be
to consider. If there is a conflict of torque underlying explaining the origin of premature ejaculation,
couple therapy will then be considered.
Other psychological techniques
It is impossible to detail them all, but are often complementary techniques cognitive
which aim to provide new knowledge about the problem and its solution in some
so bring a change of viewpoint. Include the following:
Relaxation is useful to relax a body established by the anxiety and thus avoid interference
that soma may cause the psyche. Relaxation therapy tend to develop self-control by
awareness of what is happening inside the body. Well aware of what is happening
level of excitement during sex is a good way to control it. Hypnosis uses the
symbolic system of mental representations (images or metaphors).
Support for Premature Ejaculation (By Marine Dietrich) ©
After eliminating all organic causes, we set here a part of what is said during the consultation
and page that is automatically delivered to the patient to remember the
basis of the first consultation. Causes
The frequency of reporting plays an important role in controlling sexual arousal. Indeed, it
should know that there is a 24/24 production of sperm in the testicles. The sperm will
"store" at the prostate and particularly in the urethra, called prostatic urethra.
The urethra may contain between 3 and 5 cc of semen. Once this capacity is reached, it
can not indefinitely expands like a balloon. The pressure inside the urethra will
increase and will exert a significant force on the two holes whose closure is controlled by
two muscles (one at the top of the prostate and a bottom). These muscles have a structure and
different resistance to pressure. Indeed, the muscle is a muscle made up of fibers smooth.
said muscle is strong, that means never letting go, there will never be semen in
bladder unless it is injured. The muscle of the lower cons by a striated pattern as the biceps.
This means that it is tiring (for example, the biceps, even if it is driven, a
single sheet of paper at arm's reach he will let go at some point) . So this muscle
which closes the prostatic urethra will drop due to fatigue. The dropping of this muscle is what you
will perceive when ejaculation is imminent sensation known as "point of no return".
Once perceived sensation, the process begins and will ejaculate within two seconds
(feeling impending point of no return = = threshold excitation maximum).
To rehabilitate, we use the technique of "compression" (whenever the point of no return
will be taken, you or your partner exert compression at the base of the penis to block the
ejaculation). So you can continue, because even if a partial ejaculation occurs, it will not
loss of erection, at most a slight decrease since there necessarily for
this time compression, down the excitement.
Learning a playful sexuality and eroticism to get you online with the sensuality and pleasure
will be one of the most important goals, your pleasure but also that of another, that of
your wife. And sexuality, as in any learning in any
area is almost from the first time that will fit in your automation
behavior. Everyone knows that learning to change, it is very difficult (for example
, tennis, this is not because there is no "teacher" that is not going to play, we will do
as can be, although he is not in the art even if you read a book). Hence the importance of
education and prevention in the area of sexuality. So the first reports
sex of your life that will dictate your future sexual life. I often take the example a bit extreme
, first sex, which would be behind the church, a market day, a day
rain, or parents of two races, or in a car in a parking lot, at this moment there he must move fast for fear of being caught. The disadvantage is that this behavior will speed
register early and you'll feel that you can not do anything to change
I repeat here my example backhand in tennis, if it's a setback that you've implemented all
alone it does not take long for him to spend in the automatic operation. To change this
setback that is not technical, it should take lessons. That is to say that to change a behavior
In training: we need one in attendance, and especially the discipline, do not tell you
" Today I'm tired, I do like before "(quickly), it will have the huge disadvantage of
you do take a step back much faster than you did the step forward. What you will
lose in this kind of operation is the motivation, and motivation in humans does
mobilizes with two things:
1) Sweet at the end gratification ...! 2) Or the kick in the ass ...!
While a board, if you decide to start this learning going until there will be a
result that suits you. and that suits your partner.
The cause psychological
It must be one, but in what I describe below is a very simplified analysis.
This would refer to the first woman you've had, the woman with a capital F, the one
you had in front of the eyes of 0-6 years (mother, aunt in short one you raised).
1) If your mother has been somewhat overprotective, smothering, baggy, it may have agreed the kid
you were, at some point, and after it will be "at least I'm in her arms, the better I feel."
The mother is the reference of the adult female that you have become. When you meet your
first partner (and others too for that matter), you will see through the reference female
has been your mother. This will, quite unconsciously, the woman "unless j 'There have, the better I am
door "= premature ejaculation. The converse is also true is to tell a mother cold and distant,
rejection that does not give you tenderness result in you a great deal to scare your
first partners because you face the unknown, fear = premature ejaculation. The cause of marital conflict
Premature ejaculation is there often appeared to secondary reaction. In cases where
the conflict can not always say in words he said through a symptom ejaculation
premature. This means often say "you make me shit in everyday life, thou shalt not take
over your foot." In this case, obviously, it must do the housework in your household if you do not want
move your symptoms. Unfortunately, your symptom is useful, it always means something
98th French Congress of Urology: Almost everything you ever wanted to know about
ejaculation but were afraid to ask
November 28, 2004
Paris on November 20. The physiology of ejaculation, whose knowledge is a prerequisite for
understanding and treatment of disorders of ejaculation is still partly
mysterious. However significant progress has been made in recent years through
vivo studies in healthy volunteers and animal experimentation.
The main results of this research were presented by François Giuliano, the hospital
Bicêtre (France).
We traditionally distinguish two phases in this series of events leading to the expulsion of semen
meatus: the emission and expulsion.
The show combines secretion of seminal fluid (from 50 to 80% of seminal vesicles in
15 to 30% of the prostate and less than 1% of the testes), contraction of the entire tract
seminal and closing the bladder neck. During the broadcast, the pressure in the prostatic urethra
rises considerably. The chronology of events has been clarified by in vivo studies
with transrectal ultrasound performed during masturbation. We now know that the show is
controlled among others by neurotransmitters, NO, ATP and oxytocin, which plays a major role
's expulsion saccades is related to contacts of smooth muscle that occur at a frequency
0.8 Hz have been recorded and analyzed by electromyography during masturbation
in volunteers (!).
neurogenic control of ejaculation is now better known through studies conducted
rats. In addition to a spinal reflex, ejaculation is under the control of a core-paragiganto
serotonergic cell located in the brainstem. Serotonergic projections
descendants of this nucleus are inhibitory to ejaculation. This probably explains the interest of
reuptake inhibitors of serotonin in premature ejaculation.
Other studies conducted in positron emission tomography (PET) brain during ejaculation
concerned the relationship between these physiological events and the occurrence of a
orgasm. They showed an extremely significant activation of the ventral tegmental area of the brain during ejaculation. The same area is activated during the taking of heroin or cocaine,
neurophysiologists some see it as a real pleasure center.
Dr. Céline Dupin
When ejaculation occurs too early ...
When a person suffers from premature ejaculation, the excitement phase is too rapid, the phase
plateau is shortened, and 'premature ejaculation. If the emission of semen involves contraction
peristaltic epididymis and vas deferens, as well as the seminal vesicles, the
prostate and bladder neck so as to propel the sperm, the liquid seminal and
prostatic fluid into the posterior urethra, the expulsive phase of ejaculation has
rhythmic contractions of the striated muscles of the pelvic floor, coupled with the closure of the bladder neck
and relaxation of the urethral meatus so to expel the seminal contents to the outside.
The show is then under the influence of three cores, two facilitators, the median preoptic area and paraventricular nucleus
, and a core inhibitor paragigantocellular the nucleus, where all structures
5HT1A receptors (hypoactive) and 5HT2C (hyperactive) are heavily represented. As for
expulsion, it is under the influence of the sympathetic system through the lumbosacral cord.
Among the approaches proposed so far to "treat" premature ejaculation, few gave
convincing results, but the behavioral approach (pinch the base of the penis, the technical
"stop and start" by combining therapies and hypnosis) provides unquestionable support. As for
drugs, inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 are not without side effects to
recommended doses, local anesthetics, although effective, often generate hypoesthesia
penile and transvaginal absorption, and specific inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin
act slowly (over 3 weeks) and remain too long in the body.
Dr. Jean-Dominique Bouillie
first time
pats general without including sexual zones, one after another
Minimum one week
1 / Establish or reestablish communication with partner 2 / Find other erogenous zones
3 / Restoring the balance between sex and the rest of the body.
Often you feel the excitement comes only sex
second time
pats of the body one after the other in areas including sexual excitation to the ns
minimum u
Master of excitement in the fondling
Setting up the squeeze (compression of the glans between two fingers)
third time
pats general and masturbation when using the Squeeze the point of no return, that 4
to 5 times during sex, no penetration
Learning Squeeze the fourth time
Using the squeeze during penetrative sexual intercourse in order to find the alarm • Alarm
= = first premonitory sensation sensation of pleasure
Goal: Extending the time of intercourse
fifth time
Putting into practice systematic desensitization whenever the sensation of alarm is achieved
- 1st Stage: Withdrawal
- 2nd Stage: The cessation of movements in intra-vaginal
- 3rd phase: The slow movement back and forth
6th time
Combine the local desensitization method, the method of derivation of sexual arousal.
Purpose: To facilitate the stabilization of the excitation
• Always make clear to the patient:
1 / That the problem is a problem of time, he must learn to take his time and not
Grill stages
2 / For that rehabilitation is done properly, check that the patient is not tempted to take
cross roads or her partner does not put up lines sabotage.
If 80% to 90% of cases of premature ejaculation are solved in 6 to 10 weeks (4 sessions
in 50% of cases), there are a number of failures.
They are mainly due to marital discord underlying sexual problem and that
revealed during therapy failure. The sexual symptom does not disappear because it
would highlight a conflict that nobody wants to see. At the extreme it is better that
persists unless considering a challenge to the marital relationship. In this case the treatment of premature ejaculation starts with conflict resolution, using a therapy
This research in the field of premature ejaculation and this article has been made under the
responsibility of Mrs. Dietrich Navy, Specialist in Hypnosis, NLP, Sophrology
and therapist.
Other therapists and consultants who participated therapy centers
expectancy Moura, Armelle Chance (hypnotherapist)
In the 66 to Perpignan: Marine Dietrich in 06 14,589,497
Therapies Centre of Paris 6, Paris 14 and Paris 15: 01 43217922 (Ghislaine Duboc)
Therapy Centre Paris 17: 06 10 41 28 35 (Angélique Veillard)
Consultations by appointment Centre Therapies Tours (Coulon and Lisa Gille ROGHE)
Consultations by appointment at the Center for Therapy of Le Mans (Alexa and Corinne Peterson Rieste)
to get names and addresses of therapists specializing in this field in France
Consultations by appointment at the Center for Therapy of Bayonne (Dorothy Lajus May 1959 592 621)
Consultations by appointment at the Centre de Blois Ovid (Thierry Bunas Feb. 1954 900 252)
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