Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kate's Playground Movies Onlain

Tweens and Teenagers

Coincidentally, one of the favorite authors of tweens (see definition: and American teenagers in France as I write this message for a series of conferences destination of his young French readers - who have read it in French HELAS :-(

' Uglies ' by Scott Westerfeld (2005 - 425 pages )
Minimum level required: B1 - perfect for young readers ... like, yeah, it's written for them!
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)

' Uglies ' is a science fiction novel that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Her heroines are two teenagers who rebel against the dictates of that society which subjected it to teenagers choose a cosmetic surgery enabling them to become heavy beautiful (Pretties) .
All preferred themes of young players are there: the dictatorship of beauty and image that giving of self, friendship, freedom to be who we want. It is well written, easy to understand and very entertaining (many inventions), in short, a perfect cocktail energizing to forget the gloomy weather of November!
Note that ' Uglies is the first volume of a trilogy that has been winning a lot in the U.S. and a film is being prepared for 2011. Click on the title of this message to access the official website of the author.

NB: this book reminded me of a completely crazy shop in London: ' Cyberdog ' Camden Town, which sells clothes in an atmosphere of futuristic nightclub in 2050. The look is one of the sellers moving! Visit their site is 'Uglies ' version ;-) shopping


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