Monday, November 29, 2010

Military Retirement Ceremony What To Wear

In partnership with Autodesk ® Revit Mastering
your blog a contest
to save you a license AutoCAD for MAC!

To enter, simply answer the questions:
(Contest Closed)

This contest is open to all until December 10, 2010 inclusive.
A draw will be conducted from the correct answers.

Good luck!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Johnson 4.5 Hp Outboard

Autodesk AutoCAD

A Labs'project

A new project called Vasari could be useful for designers (users only conceptual massing), since it includes only the tools volume in Revit Architecture (in-situ and family). The product is complete: modeling tools for volume rendering, volume of soil classification and analysis tools sun!

Its originality lies in its Single File is a product that uses virtualization. It is a single executable of 387 MB!

This product is a direct competitor like Sketchup ...

You can try by downloading
It will be possible to use the product (for free) until 15 May 2011.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Correct Way To Cuticle On Fingers

Vasari Project for MAC

November 15, 2010 Presentation for MAC AutoCAD by Autodesk, Paris XIII.

One Monday as another almost. The weather is rainy, gray skies, cold settled.
Not for everyone! An event in the world of CAD / CAM will be remembered: AutoCAD for MAC arrived.

This is not the first time that Autodesk is launching the product on the Apple's platform. In 1992, a version of AutoCAD running on the OS of the time. But this time, the code is native to Mac OS (64bit of course!). And then, other software running on the MAC range Autodesk Maya, ModBox.

In this line "for Mac", the products are installed in mobility and especially for iOS platforms (iPhone / iPAD / iPod Touch): AutoCAD WAS, FluidFX, SketchBook, Inventor, Publisher.

AutoCAD for MAC
Well what you say is an AutoCAD running on the Mac (Intel), the code is native to Mac OS, meaning that the interface is to look MAC games instructions are those of the MAC OS. Side features, we find the same as those of Autocad 2011 and only filters on layers and layers of states are not yet implemented. Note, that this is the AutoCAD LT and not so it is possible to use 3D modeler very powerful rendering functions and development tools.
The interface is Mac software, so no ribbons Windows, but drop-down menus and a nice command line, dialog boxes designed MAC OS ... floating palettes and all that configurable. The old legacy features
MS-DOS disappear (logical) and leaving a lighter code.
scripts, Lisp and other development carried out using AutoCAD tools work.
The format compatibility PC / Windows - MAC OS is perfect: it is the same format ... You can even work in a heterogeneous system (PC / MAC). The recording is available in previous versions like the PC version 2011.
For licenses, only the single license is available (no network license).


versus Apple Autodesk
Both companies are partners in this new market. Because in fact it is indeed that, more than technology. The Apple network can now respond to a request from Mac users who use or not ArchiCAD / VectorWorks (designers building market) AutoCAD for MAC is an indispensable tool in the world of CAD, all benefiting from the expertise Apple the production graph. It remains whether AutoCAD for MAC to replace some of their design tool now or will be just a supplement.
As for Autodesk current distribution network, he can make a market of Mac users that they were difficult to approach before. (For rates and migration, please speak to your local dealer).
You can download ( ) version for a 30-day trial.

Mobile Technology
Autodesk also moved on IOS based on Autodesk and Apple devices to address the mobile technology. Naturally, it's AutoCAD DWG and benefiting from such mobility. AutoCAD WAS is the mobile version AND WEB AutoCAD, this mobility platform has been available for iPhone / iPAD from the Web and through a plug-in for AutoCAD (PC & MAC) - https: / /
Whether you're PC or MAC version WAS is to test!


And afterwards?
course, why get excited for AutoCAD for MAC? Well logically, it should be more exciting ... Autodesk Why would not other software for MAC MAX for MAC, MAC for Revit ... This is purely a projection of me ...
AutoCAD represents 50% of sales for Autodesk DWG format is common to all software (Autodesk or not) CAD / CAM, you can not do without, the logic was to start by No. 1 ... wait ...

A French specificity
Know Finally, AutoCAD for MAC is only localized in French (also available in English). Park MAC installed in the world of CAD is important in France.

and finally a video ...

AutoCAD for MAC

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frequencies Of Indian Channels


Ci Sunday, make your salsa course a good deed! Within a week of solidarity Neuville Ferrain the salsa beginners courses (16h to 17h30) and advanced (17h30 to 19h) will be held Salle Maurice Schumann, Rue de Tourcoing . Price: 9 euros. Come!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kate's Playground Movies Onlain

Tweens and Teenagers

Coincidentally, one of the favorite authors of tweens (see definition: and American teenagers in France as I write this message for a series of conferences destination of his young French readers - who have read it in French HELAS :-(

' Uglies ' by Scott Westerfeld (2005 - 425 pages )
Minimum level required: B1 - perfect for young readers ... like, yeah, it's written for them!
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this blog)

' Uglies ' is a science fiction novel that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Her heroines are two teenagers who rebel against the dictates of that society which subjected it to teenagers choose a cosmetic surgery enabling them to become heavy beautiful (Pretties) .
All preferred themes of young players are there: the dictatorship of beauty and image that giving of self, friendship, freedom to be who we want. It is well written, easy to understand and very entertaining (many inventions), in short, a perfect cocktail energizing to forget the gloomy weather of November!
Note that ' Uglies is the first volume of a trilogy that has been winning a lot in the U.S. and a film is being prepared for 2011. Click on the title of this message to access the official website of the author.

NB: this book reminded me of a completely crazy shop in London: ' Cyberdog ' Camden Town, which sells clothes in an atmosphere of futuristic nightclub in 2050. The look is one of the sellers moving! Visit their site is 'Uglies ' version ;-) shopping