' To Kill a Mockingbird 'by Harper Lee (1960 - 309 pages)
Minimum level required: B1 - perfect for young readers
(to determine your level of reading, see the pages of June 09 of this Blog )
This novel is a classic among the classics of American literature. Besides, he is on the agenda of the equivalent of college across the U.S., young Americans are discovering usually around 12-13 years and studying in class, like 'The Old Man and the Sea ' of Ernest Hemingway or John Steinbeck news (which I'll test for young readers soon ...).
Personally, I bought it, saying 'I must read it', suddenly, I started 7 or 8 times in leaving after 3 pages ... I guess that you have ever? The sense of failure is never far away (like, little paranoid: why I can not do it while everyone says it is fantastic ???)...
And then, finally, the air of the season helping - a s in, 'and now, time for new resolutions'! - I've taken, this time just to let go.
A week later I am Fan! I hope this will soon be your case if you have not read.
is a very powerful story. First because we is told through the eyes of a little white girl, a little tomboy who lives in a small town in the southern United States (Alabama) in 1930. We follow all the action with her and her children's comments. The mainspring of the book is that his father, a lawyer, agrees to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. It reveals everything that made America: the thirst for justice, democracy, tolerance to racism, stupidity, violence, all in the sauce ... Southern No wonder that American English teachers have chosen this book for ages as the basis for their courses: it is rich, very rich to be analyzed.
Everything is very easy to understand (although I still have the same reservation on the first 3 pages!), And the plot goes bouncing rebound. The dialogues are conducted like a movie (*) and the characters will be familiar very quickly.
(*) in 1962, just two years after the publication of the novel, comes a film adaptation with Gregory Peck.
When you read 'To Kill a Mockingbird ', click on the title of the message you send on a show BBC special devoted to the 50th anniversary of the publication of the novel.
A podcast stream.
Note, Harper Lee, author of the novel that won him the Pulitzer Prize, no other has ever written! She still lives in Alabama, where she had 84 years last April.
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