Monday, May 24, 2010

How Does Cs2 Vsepr Shape Look Like

Revit 2011 - The sub-projects

People who know me or read the blog regularly, know that the functions of groupware are dear to my heart.

Those who do not know the possibilities of sub-projects, I advise them to read the three posts the following:
Project shared third ; Shared project 2 / 3 ; Shared project 3 / 3 - Sub-projects

Regarding the 2011 version, the improvements relate to the interface and the method.


The dialog is resizable.
option "Visible in all views" is available directly in the dialog of Sub-projects.


selector subproject assets are available in the status bar.



It is preferable not to make visible the sub-projects in the views when creating sub-projects.
Now, if you escaped this option, you can return it in the dialog box sub-projects visible in all views. "

comfort, since it is easier to make invisible sub-projects for all views and select the views in which they will only be visible.

Replacing the visibility of sub-projects in the views, offers three options:
- Show: will be always displayed in the view
- Hide: will always be hidden from sight
- Use global settings (visible / not visible): Uses the setting dialog box sub-projects.


An impact of this new parameter: the linked files.
From the host files, sub-projects linked files are accessible. A must!
Since now the host view displays all sub-projects. Any new view from the host file displays all the sub-projects, even those who are set to "NO visible in all views."
By linked view, displaying respect for the projects under active (No change from previous versions) for the custom display, sub-projects linked files can be made visible or not visible ...


For linked files, the templates of views ( hosts) include the replacement of graphics / visibility sub-projects. Very useful for documentation of premises, for example.


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